Pivot Point Calculator
Pivot points are predictive indicators that were first used by floor traders. They are used to identify key support and resistance levels that can be used to forecast the direction of the market based on where the market opens in relation to the price data from the previous period. The three key levels are R1, S1 and PP, although most traders also calculate the R2, R3, S2 and S3 levels. Our on-line Pivot Point Calculator goes one step further by calculating resistance levels up to R4 and support levels up to S4.
The following Pivot Point Calculator can be used to calculate the various pivot points for your live chart regardless of whether you trade forex, futures, bonds, commodities, stocks, options or any other financial instrument as long as you have the previous period's open, high, low and close price. You can also select the type of pivot points you want to use by selecting the pivot point formula that you want to use. The available pivot point formulae include the Classic Pivot Points, Woodie Pivot Points, Camarilla Pivot Points, Fibonacci Pivot Points and DeMark Pivot Points.
- For Classic Pivot Points, Camarilla Pivot Points and Fibonacci Pivot Points you must have the previous session's high, the previous session's low and the previous session's closing prices.
- For Woodie Pivot Points you must have the previous session's high and the previous session's low prices, as well as the open price for the current session.
- For DeMark Pivot points you must have the previous session's high, the previous session's low, the previous session's close and the previous session's opening prices.
For those looking for insight on how to trade using pivot points and a better understanding of how the pivots points are arrived at, check out our related article on Pivot Points.